October 24, 2024

Lessons Children Learn From Gardening

Did you ever think of the valuable lessons children learn from gardening?Do you know that even in Singapore,children can experience gardening as a leisure activity?

Gardening is a great discovery activity for kids. Gardening with kids is a great way to bond with them. However, in Singapore, instead of experiencing outdoor gardening, we have to explore indoor gardening or urban gardening ideas to make it a reality. Living in an apartment with no land space, I found indoor gardening is still possible which is a great activity to spend time with the kid.

Lessons Children Learn From Gardening

Other than a hobby, gardening is a great learning activity for any kid. What are the skills learned from gardening? Here I gathered some of the lessons children learn in the garden which makes it a valuable activity.

Skills kids learn from gardening  

Children can learn so much when they garden. It is not just about the process of gardening, but about life cycles, water conservation, following directions, tending to chores and so much more. There are many valuable lessons children learn from gardening. Don’t ignore the flowers. Kids can learn about flowers and their parts when they engage in gardening activities. Gardening is such a well-rounded teaching tool not only for science but also for life lessons. You will be surprised when you read this post because there are many things gardening can teach a child.

Kids become Eager to Learn

Children who garden are often much more ready and willing to learn. It gives them greater control over their own education and makes them more active seekers of knowledge. It also helps teach them problem-solving skills. Naturally, children are more curious.

They love to explore. Gardening activities allow them to explore nature. Starting from the lifecycle of a plant to discovering garden pests there are many things to explore.

As there are no many outdoor gardening experiences in Singapore, I bring the kid to parks and nearby community gardens where he can experience real gardening which makes it a different experience. Consider all these as learning opportunities apart from their textbooks.

Gardening can help children take the academic and turn it into real-world experiences. It makes children much more inquisitive and this great eagerness to learn makes it much easier to teach the basics within education.

Because of the ever-changing circumstances of gardening (such as weather changes and plant disease), it teaches children to think on their feet – making them more flexible and easier to learn problem solving skills.

These lessons children learn from gardening are invaluable!

Gardening Teaches Responsibility

Responsibility is the most important lesson which children need to cultivate from their childhood. Gardening is one of the activities which create the kid responsible for his own plants.

A lot of work goes into gardening. Watering and weeding are both important parts of keeping a garden alive. So this will help children see the importance of doing these chores if they want a healthy growing garden. Beyond that, responsible eating choices can be made through gardening. Children are more willing to try vegetables that they have grown with their own two hands. So they can discover a love for many foods they might never have tried before. Although we don’t experience much vegetable gardening in our Singapore which ends up with harvesting, we grow edible greens where the kid experience in growing his own food. Whenever we visit Sri Lanka for holidays, it is another gardening experience for him which includes harvesting.

Since gardening often requires tools and chemicals we might not normally want our children to have, we can take this time to teach them how to be careful with these items.

If you use chemicals in your garden, what it is the chemicals do to help the plants, and how they can be harmful to us are the most important lessons for children. It is also important to teach them the importance of washing our hands thoroughly after working. Also, sharp tools are not toys and gardening is a great way to teach children how to responsibly use tools.

In our balcony garden in Singapore, we use organic fertilizers and we even use our used tea bags and eggshells in our soil mixture. These are good lessons for kids to know how to use our own kitchen waste as an organic fertilizer.

Gardening is also a job skill. Let them know about earning from the crops after the harvest. Even if you do not sell your crops, let them learn that this is how we buy crops from the market. These are early job skills learned right there in your own backyard or from the urban garden.

Learning about the science behind a garden is only a very small part of what gardening can teach children. Life skills and a willingness to learn are things gardening can open up to a child’s life. So take advantage of these teaching opportunities and grow a beautiful garden with your children. You can do that even in your flat in Singapore.

Gardening Makes Children Stronger

Resiliency is important for children to have. Gardening can boost a child’s self-esteem, teach children the ability to cope with life’s ups and downs, and improve concentration.

Through many gardening setbacks such as crop damage due to insects, failed crops, or due to weather, children become more resilient. They are forced to deal with these problems and move forward to achieve their ultimate goals. Although a child who engages in indoor gardening in Singapore may not able to experience all these challenges.

However there are challenges for gardening in Singapore such as utilizing the small space, finding suitable soil mix, purchasing gardening tools and soil mix whether online or from the wet market, or even finding seeds. Kids may not understand or experience all these challenges at their young age. However, by continuing gardening, they will learn the skills gradually.

Environmental responsibility

Bin your trash
We did’nt forget to bin our trash after having some snacks.

Kids will grow up with the responsibility of taking care of their own plants and later they will apply these skills to everything. At the same time, gardening is a great activity to make children closer to the environment. By planting a small plant, they will start their first step towards a green world. They will grow as responsible citizens who love the environment.

Is gardening a helpful activity for kids in Singapore?

With my experience with gardening with the kid, I know there are many benefits for him. It is a great responsibility for the kid and I found how he started taking care of his small plants watching the lifecycle from germination to a grown plant.

Children can more easily concentrate when working with a garden, making it easier to teach them many different lessons. Considering their academic studies, learning the life cycle of plants, water conservation, and even the effects of the sun on plant life are easily taught to children through gardening activities. Other than academic skills, they will learn many life skills too.

What is next? Start gardening with your children!

Do you love gardening with your kids? Please share your experience.Are there any other lessons children learn from gardening?

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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23 thoughts on “Lessons Children Learn From Gardening

  1. Being outside, gardening, foraging etc beats screen time anyday! So important. Great post, I love your blog.

  2. I love this so much. I have a little herb garden that I keep on the counter in my kitchen, and the kids love to help me with it.

  3. Gardening is so educational for the kids, and it also teaches them the value of work. They get to watch their efforts pay off.

  4. These are all excellent points! Gardening is such a great way to teach children about the environment and work ethic. It also helps create great family memories.

  5. I love it when they teach kids something like this. They’re getting more productive compare to those kids whose always on their gadgets.

  6. Yes, I couldn’t agree more! I’ve been guiding my little cousin with her gardening lately and it’s been amazing watching how it benefits her so much.

  7. I’ve just gotten into gardening this Spring and I find it so healing and calming. I think it is a wonderful thing for kids to get into too

  8. I absolutely agree with this post. In a world where social media and gadgets are what kids focus on. Having them learn a skill that takes patience and effort is highly recommended!

  9. I couldn’t agree more with this. Gardening can be so relaxing and can teach us so much about nature and the world. I wish I had taken an interest when my grandmother was still living.

  10. This is such a useful article! Especially helping children learn about environmental effects of gardening and the greenhouse effect.

  11. Your post made me want to be a child again 🙂 It would have been so fun to learn and do gardening wiht my mom. guess it’s not too late 😀

  12. This is very cool. A agree with you I think that kids can learn so much form doing things like this – gardening is one such activity.

  13. Well, I haven’t gardened with kids before but I love gardening, myself. It has taught me a lot of responsibility and patience! Plants need time to blossom and live to their fullest.

  14. I have always appreciated the lessons I learned from plants as a child. Growth, care, illness, and death. LIFE! It’s all there in the garden.

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