February 7, 2025

How to Potty Train a Boy? Here is how we did!

Potty training is another milestone in parenting which most parents struggle with their kids. How to potty train a boy is a doubt for many parents.Potty training can be tough with boys as they sometimes try to be stubborn or more active during this stage of age. Although some parents assume that potty training a boy is difficult than potty training a girl, I never found it as a difficult milestone. We happily potty trained our kid although there were accidents during the period.

How to Potty Train a Boy?

Before you potty train your son you need to know the things such as potty training age, when to potty train and how to start potty training. When you have a good start on potty training, it won’t be difficult even for a stubborn boy. Make the potty training a happier incident, so you will do it fast same as we did it in 3 days.Check how we potty trained in 3 days with fun activities!

how to potty train a boy
how to potty train a boy

I am happy that we are almost potty trained our boy before he is 4 years old. Now he is 3.5 years old and he doesn’t wear diapers or pull ups for his preschool. He is a big boy now who wears underwear for his preschool and even for other outside visits. 🙂 Now we are in the final step of potty training which is night time potty training. However, our night time potty training is also almost success as we could stop using the diapers at night. It is a big win!

So, here are some of our tips on how to potty train a boy! Although Potty training can be tough when it comes to boys with these few tips the whole process can be made easy for both parents and the kids! Read on!

Milestones for potty train a boy

Although there are many steps in potty training a boy,here are my main concerns of potty training with our kid.If your concern is how to potty train a boy,then below steps can be helpful for you too.

1.No more diapers at home during the day

2.Use of training pants for the day time

3.Completely use the potty at home.

4.Start wearing underwear when we go out (no more diapers)

5.Night time potty training

Potty Training Tips for Boys

Start at the right age

You need to know when to potty train before start the whole process. Although you can start potty training as early as age of 18 months, most parents are successful on potty training during the age of 2-3 years old. Usually kids during the age 2-3 years like to imitate or pretend others. This is where parents can get the benefit.

Actually we were success in our day time potty training of our son when he was at 28 months old.(he was just 2 years plus).Our potty training was really fun and that made him excited to sit on the potty and flush after passing pee.

Check how we did potty training in 3 days!

how to potty train a boy
How to Potty Train a Boy?

Let your son decide his position

Kids show that they are ready for potty training by around 2 to 2 1/2 years. However most parents are in doubt of the position when they potty train a boy.

You may in doubt thinking whether he will sit or stand while using potty. Don’t worry and don’t force your son to use the potty with stand position for pee and sitting position for poo. This will make him confuse and stressful.

It is better to relax and leave him to decide and use the method that he is comfortable with. First let him get comfortable in one position and then later switch on. Most of the moms train their boys in sitting position. We also did the same. Once he is familiar with the potty and when he understand the time to go to potty and when there are no more accidents with no diapers, you can start teaching how boys use the potty in standing position.

Buy the best potty and other accessories

Buy a potty that your son can use for his own use. This will make the whole process easier for him than using the toilet. He will have the ease of hoping on and off the potty and to shift from one place to another.

how to potty train a boy

At first we bought both potty and a seat cover for the toilet. However, we found it is wise to train him to the potty before we train him to use the toilet. So, we started potty training our boy with the potty. We also visited the store with him to buy the potty. So, he could select his favorite potty and he likes it.

start potty training
Potty training songs,apps and books are great to keep kids on the potty!

Other than a potty, you also need other accessories such as potty training books, games, potty training rewards charts and don’t forget the beautiful underwear and training pants. All these new items will make him happy with his new milestone which will lead to a successful potty training of a boy!

Show him the way

Sometimes it is much easy for father to show his son what needs to be done. This can be perfect at the end of potty training a boy. Mom can start potty train a boy in sitting position until he is ready to use the potty without making accidents. And the father can start training him on how to use the toilet as a boy.

how to potty train a boy
Reward charts can be a great way to encourage the use of the potty!

Get him trained

Don’t get panic in potty training your son in the quickest way. Yes, it is possible to potty train a toddler in 3 days. However, all boys are not the same. Some kids take more time than you think. So, let them learn the way to use the potty under your guidance.

how to potty train a boy

As little guys learn more from their parents a male model at home can help them to learn the correct way. Usually little ones like to follow his daddy. The difference in the use of the toilet by both the parents can pile up questions in the mind which can be cleared by fathers.

Make your kids comfortable as they learn a new phase of life by getting trained to potty. Let your son to use his own methods and positions until he find the correct way. This will allow them to grow up happily.


Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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7 thoughts on “How to Potty Train a Boy? Here is how we did!

  1. It’s been 6 years i guess, when i last did this pottty training thing with my daughter who is now 8years old. That time i cannot remember when and how we were able to do so with her. But as far as i can remember she was able to use the toilet on her own as early as 2 years old unlike her older brother who was 4 years old and still using diapers for peeing and pooping.. now im preggy and a new baby is coming after 8 years. I think il be needing this again in the next 2-3 years.. thanks for sharing your experience 🙂

  2. Thanks, Amila, for sharing your experience and ideas! Very informative. I begin to think that girls start to use potty earlier than boys do. Potty training with my daughter was faster, though we had some funny moments. But this process was a bit tough with my son. In any case we have lots of funny precious memories ))

  3. Potty training requires tons of patience. I didn’t have too tough a time with my 3 kids. It’s really feeling it out when they’re ready. Also talking about it and answering their questions. With my youngest we read a story book and it eased him into it better.

  4. With my first son, my husband basically modeled everything by showing him how to go to use the toilet to pee and poo. So my son basically WATCHED his dad do his thing, and he copied. We had a potty, but he never wanted to use it, so we bought a toilet seat support for him instead. He wanted to use the toilet the way his dad did! It took a couple of days for him to stop peeing in his briefs, and thats another thing: He was so excited to wear briefs! We let him pick the patterns.

    Now I have to model going to the loo to my two year old girl. Let’s pray she picks up on it, too! I don’t want to rush her.

    1. That’s nice to hear about your experience.Hope your little girl will pick the training fast too.My kid is almost done with potty training.But,still he refuses to go to public toilets or even to his preschool toilet.Luckily we can come home fast after the preschool.So,still we don’t face accidents 🙂

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