October 21, 2024

Green Mom Blogger in Singapore : My New Year Resolution

Green Mom Blogger Singapore

Diary of a New Mom is going to be a green mom blogger in Singapore! Yes, narrowing its niche this mom blog will talk more about sustainability, green lifestyle with eco-friendly products and activities. Where possible I will be a green blogger in Singapore spreading awareness among the readers.

Is that mean I didn’t talk anything about green lifestyle before? No it is not correct. Whenever possible I try to live a green lifestyle that helps to save our mother nature. Most of the activities in my life are with nature in mind. I tried to pass those habits to my kid as well. It is not anything forceful. But, naturally we follow a simple and earth friendly lifestyle.


I am a mom who used cloth diapers to my kid. It was challenging. However I was successful .But this doesn’t mean I never used disposables. Whenever it is appropriate I used both giving more attention to use reusable cloth diapers. At home we reuse most of the packaging, tins, bottles and any other belongings where possible or otherwise we give it a second life. We admire recycling of materials and engage in such activities too.

But I didn’t talk all about these seriously through this mom blog. Started from 2015, I blogged anything and everything about my parenting journey. In between I shared more activities related to nature including outdoor activities and repurpose activities.

When the kid was just 2 years old, we made this DIY Recycling bin and started collecting recyclable items. Our art crafts include reuse of materials and how to use those materials to improve the creativity of the kids. This Save environment craft & Lion craft are some of the examples. And I even talked about topics such as ways to Repurpose Old Cardboard Boxes and creating an indoor garden at home.

Green Mom Blogger
Save Environment Craft

Those are some topics only. But I never said I am a green mom blogger! I blogged everything!

Why I want to be a Green Mom Blogger?

Covid-19 pandemic taught us many lessons and still teaching. We found the importance of green lifestyle and sustainability. When shop racks were empty and we couldn’t find facemasks, the first alternative was to sew my own reusable cloth masks. I am glad that I tried sewing cloth masks at home. I am glad that I have such skills. Though we didn’t face any difficulty, there was a food challenge in front of us. If food supply chains were disrupted, there was nothing in our home garden. Simply we don’t have a home garden.

But my story is different!

How I was raised?

Green Mom Blogger  Singapore

Born and raised in Sri Lanka, I enjoyed living with nature from my childhood. We were grown in homes where we had enough land space for gardening. When we wanted to play, we played around our home. When I wanted to read a book, most of the time it was under a tree or at the garden while experiencing the breeze of winds and greenery around! All these are still treasurable memories.

Not only that, I remember buying things inside paper bags, Wrapping food in banana leaves or lotus leaves, houses made of clay bricks with clay tiles to the roof, Vegetables grown at home garden without pesticides, Returning the used glass bottles when purchasing new product of the same and the list goes.

Even the water from the kitchen sink goes to the garden area where water based cultivations are growing. All these Sri Lankan experience mixed with Singapore lifestyle; finally this blog is going to be a green space for me.

Another Green Mom blog?

Starting 2021, Diary of a New Mom will be a Singapore based green mom blog where I will talk more on eco-friendly, sustainable or green living in a city. I know we cannot go back to the traditional lifestyle. But we can adjust our lifestyle to a more earth friendly and green lifestyle.

Living & Blogging in Singapore Garden city

Singapore is a garden city. In this city,there are many ways that we can live with nature. There are opportunities to recycle, repurpose and reuse. We have many opportunities to learn about sustainability. There are many opportunities to share this knowledge with others through the blogs and workshops.

And I met a nice lady recently.

As an encouragement Dr.Parvathy whom I met recently shared with me what we can do to live in a green lifestyle. She is in a green cause and spread awareness about sustainability and green living. Taking another step, I joined with her Connect with Nature workshop series too where I can contribute to the society with the knowledge I have.

Starting 2021, this blog will be on a narrow niche and this will be a Singapore based green mom blog! I will talk more about living green!  I will use my green influence to spread awareness! I will share more anout how I raise a kid in this green city!

Green Mom Blogger  in Singapore

Join with me in this journey to connect with nature where possible with sustainable activities!

Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New year 2021!

Stay Safe & Go Green!

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

View all posts by Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi →

10 thoughts on “Green Mom Blogger in Singapore : My New Year Resolution

  1. Great to read what your have set for NY, it also made me miss Singapore! maybe this year I will be back, lets see:)

  2. I like that you mentioned that you pass your care for the world onto your child. I think that is how true change comes about, when generations respect and love nature and all that is around us. 🙂

  3. This is an awesome change! I think you and all your followers will be happier too. I get the cloth diaper struggles, and commend you for doing it even though it isn’t as easy!

  4. I keep on reading and hearing how gorgeous Singapore is, I can’t wait to visit all these beautiful places. Happy New Year.

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