February 14, 2025

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Our November- December Efforts


I am back with our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle November & December efforts.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the 3 Rs of waste management. Although there are 5Rs and even 6Rs of waste management, I started practising 3Rs at our home. This is not new. We practice most of these 3Rs of waste management for a few years. But, recently I started sharing more posts that highlight the green lifestyle and converted this blog’s main niche towards spreading green awareness. But, I am not a full-time blogger. Therefore, time for blogging is limited and I thought sharing a monthly post with some of our green efforts would be more beneficial instead of many posts. Read this post to learn more on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Green Learning & Awareness

Before sharing our 3R efforts and examples, I also want to share how we improved our knowledge of the environment and waste management. This is especially for my child. He learns about 3Rs and other waste management efforts in his school. Other than that we played recycling games. It was so much fun while we learn more on reduce, reuse and recycle.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Our 3R Efforts in November Month

After sharing our October 3R efforts, here I share some of the 3R efforts during November & December. These months are special for us as we plan to visit Sri Lanka for a few weeks’ holiday.

Therefore I publish this post after our holiday and this is the first post in January 2023. 🙂

Reduce: Some of our November-December Reduce efforts

This month I started avoiding disposable goods as much as possible (In a practical way). Instead of paper plates and cups for our holiday during travel, I bought a few lightweight cups and plates that I can reuse.

We started refusing unnecessary plastic bags during our grocery shopping. I carry a foldable cloth bag in my handbag when I go out. It will help me to reduce plastic bag usage.

Reuse: Some of our November- December Reuse efforts

Reuse efforts help me to be creative. These efforts also help the environment by reducing landfills. I know every effort and every small step counts.

This month I have a good collection of clothes that are ready to donate. The condition of the clothes is still great and someone will benefit from these. I already planned where to donate and who to donate to.

Recycle: Some of our November- December Recycle efforts

Before the recycling efforts, I make sure to buy products that are made of recyclable materials. When we buy drinks, we first try buying drinks that are packed in paper cartons. Other than that, we try recycling empty plastic bottles, papers and other materials. We dropped some materials in to recycle bin. Some other items were sent to recycling through door collectors.

BlooBox (Recycling Box)

We also collected our BlooBox from the community centre. BlooBox is a foldable recycling box that was free and to be given to all residential households in Singapore. Distribution of free BlooBox was started in November 2022 and our neighbourhood was among the first residents to receive this recycling box. (during the pilot phase)

We started using our BlooBox to collect recyclable materials such as paper and plastic bottles.

BlooBox- Recycling Box

Check details : https://www.gowhere.gov.sg/bloobox

Though I didn’t capture all reduce, reuse, and recycle moments, we had great two months with green efforts. I believe my child will grow with such green awareness and practical ways of protecting nature.

Do you think our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle November efforts are worth practicing? Please share your thoughts. Also please let us know how you practice green efforts at your home.

Reduce Reuse and Recycle! Save our environment!

**Check the link parties that I like to join.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

View all posts by Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi →

5 thoughts on “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Our November- December Efforts

  1. We do our very best to use the three Rs in our household. I really need to do a big sort out of old clothes though, my children have grown so much. Well done on your efforts, they are very admirable.

  2. You are doing really well in your efforts of reducing, reusing and recycling. The BlooBox is a good idea, we have similar here we have a blue box for bottles and a green box for tins and cans as well as the household waste bin and a bin for paper and cardboard which gets collected every week. x

  3. That’s so great that you are teaching your son to care for the environment. I also carry a fold up shopping bag everywhere I go. We recycle all of our cardboard and plastics that can be recycled. We also try to not waste water and electricity but there is so much more that we could be doing. Thanks for this great post as it inspires me to be more careful about recycling and reusing.

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