February 7, 2025

DIY Kids Art Display Without Damaging the Walls

I’ve seen many beautiful kids’ artwork display ideas over web. This is one of such ideas and I adapted this method after seen many posts over Pinterest and other blogs.

However this artwork display line needs no brain. It is so simple and easy to create a line and hang the art work.

My son still doesn’t start his play group. But he enjoys some painting activities with me at home. As these drawings and artwork are his first drawings, I like to keep those protected. He will admire these drawings one day!

art work display ideas

Other than displaying his artwork, I also want to train him to keep his drawings organized. Now he knows where to keep his drawings after he finished those.

kids art work display ideas

Here are the items which I used to create this artwork display line.

You Need:

A ribbon
Self-adhesive hooks/ Self-adhesive wall hangers(Command Hooks)
Wooden pegs

kids art work display ideas


Simply stick the two wall hangers on the wall you want the display line. I used Self-adhesive wall hangers , so I don’t want to damage the wall. Then tie the ribbon and create a line. (Similar to clothes line)
Hang wooden pegs and when there is a finished art, simply hang it using wooden pegs.
A simple and easy artwork display line is ready for kids arts.

Why I like to use Command Hooks?

I always use command hooks,(Self-adhesive hooks/ Self-adhesive wall hangers) to my wall decorations and displays.Simply,these are great hangers to display anything in few minutes.You dont need to have skills to drill the wall.Even you dont need to damage the wall.Simply stick the command hooks on to the wall and you have  a nice wall hanger.

There are also different styles and sizes available.For simple hanging like this kids artwork display,I always use beautiful command hooks.These are not much expensive too.You can also check these similar Command Medium Hooks

Do you use these Command hooks to hang things on the wall?


Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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