Books teach children about peace in different ways some will use pictures, metaphors, others ask questions and some are direct. It is important to teach children about peace because they are the future generation and they also need to have peace as illustrated in Several approaches enable one to teach children about peace.

Make room for peace at home
For one to have peace they must first have inner peace. Children should have an area or a room in the house where they can go for quiet time or when they are feeling unsettled. At the same time have books that provide a story for kids that focus on peace as the main thing.

Find peace in nature
Children can discover nature on their own or they can be taken for a walk outside accompanied by an adult. Some children’s books focus on nature and even have beautiful pictures and drawings which also enable the reader to reflect on nature especially when the weather outside is not favorable or if they live in a harsh environment.
Make time for creative play
It has been determined through research that children who engage in make-believe playing games will tend to have reduced aggression and at the same time have increased empathy towards others. By helping your child to be empathetic, you also will not be a toxic parent. In the same way, children reading should be chosen carefully to expose them more towards books that promote peace rather than books that tend to encourage violence.

Engage children’s hands and hearts
Children can be taught the art of giving directly by having them engage in the experience directly. They can make their gifts for friends or family which they will give to them in person. They can also go through their stuff and give away a valued toy or possession to somebody who is in need. This will further enhance the art of giving in them. They can as well be exposed to written material or stories about giving and selflessness.
Support peace education at school
Parents can encourage their children’s schools’ to start peace education programs. The children can be encouraged to study through reading, an area of the world that is in conflict and enable them to look at it from a different perspective. In this way, they will know that every conflict has many different layers and to foster peace one must be able to listen to all sides.

Establish a family foundation
Children can be taught from an early age to save regularly some amounts or they can even be taught how to give a tithe any time they receive a gift or allowance. Parents can help the children choose a charity together. A more informed choice can be made by reading books and therefore enabling the child to make a choice that has a personal meaning to them.
Face local needs
Children can be made to be comfortable with people who are in need in their community by ensuring that they engage with them directly. This can be by directly helping the poor, the sick and even the elderly. Through reading they can learn of other areas that are in need and where they can be of help.