Suddenly,there are lot of pretend play activities at our home.Now our kid is 3.5 years old and his imaginative play activities are really interesting and fun!He started talking with an imaginary friend when he was just 2 years old.During that time he played with an imaginary friend and shared most of his thoughts after his playgroup sessions.That time I encouraged him for playing with his imaginary friend.At first I thought this can be due to his loneliness as there is no one at home during the daytime other than me.But I was wrong.After researching online,I understand these pretend playing activities and playing with imaginary friend is really normal and it is good too.

As per recent researches,those kids with imaginary friends are less shy and creative.Imaginary friend also can be a source of comfort for them.I know it is true because I could see my kid was telling most incidents happened during his playgroup session with his imaginary friend.

Anyway,now he is a preschooler.Another year of his life milestones.This year,I see lot of role playing,pretend playing or imaginary playing.This year his activities are more serious or more organized.Sometimes he cooks adding many ingredients such as sauce,spices and even coconut cream!Sometime he washes clothes.Sometimes he is a teacher for his toys.

I really enjoy his such activities and sometimes I could photograph him.But sometimes,he stops his pretend play when he notices that I am watching him.That is why my photos are not so clear or bit shaky. 🙂
Anyway below is my favourite picture so far.Can you guess who is this charactor?

How about your experiences?Do you experience pretend play activities of kids?Do your kids have imaginary friends?Please share your experiences and thoughts.
Check our review on LOL Playland which is a Singapore indoor playground with pretend play and active play activities.
He looks very serious. WHil in CHna a few years ago we visited a budhists temple and had a private tour, amazing buildings inside!
Aww! those photos are so cute heheh!
Have a cutetastic week 🙂
That’s so cute! It’s funny what they choose to dress up as…
Love it! Yes, I think kids learn a lot through imaginative play!