Making this ‘Parts of a Plant’ art craft was a fun activity for the kid. He enjoyed his time while learning the parts of a plant.
Covid-19 pandemic made us to stay at home. While we work from home, kid learns from home too. Home based learning was challenging but it was interesting too. Kid had to use the laptop and online platforms daily to access his school home based learning materials. However there were lot of time left after he completed his daily assignments.

Keeping kid busy is not easy. They easily get bored. Even he cannot go to a playground or no outside walking due to the strict measures. Therefore it is time to be creative in order to keep the kid busy without getting much bored. Arts and crafts are always my favourite way to keep the kid busy while educating him on relevant topics.
We did few art crafts during last few weeks and this ‘Parts of a plant’ is one of such activities. It was fun for him to spend time creating this craft while learning the parts of a plant.
Here is how he made his art craft on Parts of a plant with my guidance. If your kid is a kindergartner or a primary 1 student, then this craft will be a great idea to learn about parts of a plant while spending time on a craft activity!
How to make Parts of a Plant craft
Things you need:
Card stock
Pair of scissors
Glue stick
Pens/colours and pens as necessary
I am sure you can understand the steps of making this Parts of a plant craft by looking at the pictures.

Cut a card to make the parts of the plant art craft.
Cut another smaller paper in white as in the photos.
Ask the kid to draw a plant which shows the parts of a plant clearly.
Colour the picture.
Paste it on the card.

Inside the card , write the parts of the plants and describe it in few words. I asked kid to do this alone. So he searched and wrote it by self-learning.
Paste the written papers accordingly.

Finally cut each parts as shown in the photos.
Kids can use this parts of a plant craft to talk each other, to ask questions about parts of a plant or to simply play alone.
What are you doing during this stay home period? How do you keep the kids engaged during the school closure? Please share your thoughts.