March 18, 2025

Navigating IKEA Furniture in Singapore

IKEA, the renowned Swedish furniture giant, has firmly established its presence in Singapore since opening its first store in 1978. Typically, IKEA offers affordable yet stylish home solutions. We used to shop at IKEA for a few reasons. The first reason is its simple, stylish, and affordable furniture that suits modern homes. Additionally, it’s enjoyable to wander around the IKEA furniture shop, looking at the stylish furniture and their arrangement suggestions. Last weekend, after our visit to the post office and after lunch, we decided to visit IKEA. There was also a reason to visit this furniture store.

IKEA Singapore Home Decor

We wanted to buy a desk and a bookshelf for our son to arrange his books. Until recently he used a desk and a chair that he used even as a preschooler. Lately, he shared the dining table for his studies and a bookshelf we had at home. But now, he is grown up and we believed that he needs a comfortable space for his studies. That gave us a reason to visit IKEA. Surprisingly this was our first visit to IKEA store after 2019 because the pandemic changed many things including where we frequently visit.

IKEA Singapore Home Decor

For me, it is a great place to witness beautiful furniture arrangements that suit small spaces. I am always inspired by their home decor solutions. This time I captured some of the interior arrangements that the IKEA store suggested. Enjoy these photos. I am sure you’d love these arrangements as well.

Anyway, this post contains a lot of photos compared to a usual blog post that I write. 🙂

IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore Home Decor

Finally, we reached the tableware, dining, and kitchenware section.I have some photos for you all! 🙂

IKEA Singapore Home Decor
IKEA Singapore tableware
IKEA Singapore tableware
IKEA Singapore tableware
IKEA Singapore tableware

Below are from the gardening section.

green wall
artificial fake plants and wines

And, there is also a place to buy Swedish food and beverages.

Swedish food
Swedish food

Do you enjoy visiting furniture stores of this kind? Is the experience of exploring new ideas and gaining inspiration something you find enjoyable? Please share your thoughts below. 🙂

**Check the link parties that I like to join.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

View all posts by Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi →

14 thoughts on “Navigating IKEA Furniture in Singapore

  1. I have always enjoyed shopping at IKEA and most of our furniture is from there. In Germany we have had that store since forever (or so it seems) and when we moved to California they had just opened one in the Bay Area, so we could go there. There are only a few furniture items in our home that are NOT from IKEA. We particularly like their fantastic shelving systems.

  2. Yes, in the Netherlands, where I grew up, there has been an Ikea store since the early 1970s. So for me it is a taste of home. A lot of things in my house are from Ikea. Unfortunately now I’m living in Spain, the nearest Ikea is 400 km away! But I go at least once a year.I don’t go often enough to know if the displays in Singapore are the same as here, but they do look the same I must say. I also go to the restaurant to have lunch as a visit to Ikea means a whole day out!
    Please show us the desk and chair that you bought for your son. (or perhaps you didn’t fin what you wanted)
    Happy T-Day,

  3. I have never been to Ikea, but have always wanted to go. Love your pictures! Thanks for sharing them. Fun drink and cup pictures too. Always a treat to see your sweet son too. Happy t-day and hugz

  4. IKEA really seems to have taken over the world. They have some nice pieces, I have some Billy bookcases from there, but I find it very tiring going all over the store till I evetually find what I need! Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. There are no IKEA stores anywhere near me. Sad because we are the largest city in the state. But IKEA doesn’t seem interested in Wichita. I liked their bookshelves you showed. I also LOVED seeing the mugs, teapots, and cups. Thanks for sharing your trip to IKEA with us for T this Tuesday, dear Amila.

  6. I have never been to an Ikea store, but I have always wanted to visit one. I hear that it is an “experience.” It looks like a great place to get decorating inspiration.
    Happy Tea Day,

  7. Oh I love IKEA. I have to drive over 2 hours to reach the one nearest to me, so I enjoyed window shopping with your photos. I’ve been itching to take the trip . Maybe for some new tea cups-smile. Did you find a desk and bookcase for your son? Thanks for sharing these Amila. And I’m late getting around to commenting, but I do hope it was a happy T day. hugs-Erika

  8. Ikea came to the US in 1985. I have never been in an Ikea store. I have never lived close to one. Now, the only one that is close is about 3 + hours away in a very large city. So, we won’t be going there. LOL I love all the photos. Have a lovely evening.

  9. I have never been to an Ikea store. I think I would like it. Thanks for the photos of the beautiful settings. I even saw a pretty blue designed teapot. Happy t day

  10. I visited Ikea some years back with friends. It’s a fun store to explore and so large. Lovely photos from your trip. I’m sure your son loves his new desk. #MMBC

  11. I absolutely love IKEA! Also enjoy looking at the different room settings and how they arrange the furniture together. It gives me lots of inspiration.
    The Billy bookcase is a nice choice! Hope your son has fun filling it with his favourite books.
    I think I may be due for another visit soon after seeing your post! Hehe. 🙂

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