July 25, 2024

All About Me Book for Preschool

We made this All About Me book in early January this year as a Preschool project.We were just after a long holiday in Sri Lanka to spend time with kid’s grandparents.We started this year with back to school shopping in Malaysia.We ended 2017 with happy memories and kid was eagerly waiting to start his new preschool term as a kindergartner.

My kid’s preschool teacher asked to prepare an ‘All About Me book’ as part of their learning series. Always these DIY projects are challenging for me. Once we did a paper lantern decoration project for last year Lantern Festival.It was a good DIY project for us to bond.We also made a paper plate toucan when teacher asked to create a craft using paper plates.

As a mom I try to help my kid with ideas while allowing him to do most of his projects alone. Therefore I tried finding an idea for his All About Me book with things he can do alone.

All About Me Book for Preschool

At the beginning of this year, he was 4 years old and he just started writing without help. Therefore we used pages about him with his handwriting.As he cannot write much,I used simple questions about him which answers are easy to write.

All About Me Book for Preschool
First page of our ‘All About Me Book’ for Preschool Project

I printed few headings for the book to make it easier for the kid.

Below are some pages from this All About Me booklet which was fun in making. It was a great bonding time for both of us.

All About Me Book for Preschool
He loved writing about his interests on this ‘All About Me Book’ for Preschool
All About Me Book for Preschool
One of the pages of the booklet was filled with ‘Bitter gourd stamps’ which was fun to do.

All About Me Book for Preschool

At the end of the book, we also inserted few pages to show my kid’s interest and ability to arts and crafts.

All About Me Book for Preschool
This is his handprints

If you love to do DIY and art crafts with your kids, try such All About Me book. It is interesting and exciting way to spend time together.

Do you love DIY projects?Do you love Arts and crafts?How do you spend time with your kids together?Please share your thoughts below.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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6 thoughts on “All About Me Book for Preschool

  1. What a brilliant idea! I remember my mom had a similar book for me but it was store bought and not that personal! This DIY is perfect and will make amazing memories!

  2. This is a great idea to not only keep kids engaged but also to create memories. I am sure your child will love it when he sees it once he grows up.

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