October 24, 2024

4 Useful Tips For A Public Marriage Proposal

You know your partner best, so this should guide you when deciding whether to pursue a public proposal or a more intimate event. If you are 100% certain that your significant other will love the idea of you bending on one knee to ask for their hand in marriage in front of a crowd, then it’s time to plan for a successful public proposal.

Tips For A Public Marriage Proposal

Image Source: Unsplash

Before you get lost in the excitement of a possible engagement, here are a few tips to help you pull off a successful public proposal:

1. Is It A Sure Yes?

Pardon us for asking again but we feel that we cannot emphasise this enough. You should only attempt a public proposal if you are at least 100% sure that your partner will say yes, otherwise plan for a more private affair.

Some will say you can take the risk if you are 80% certain that you will succeed in your proposal, but imagine the embarrassment you and your partner will have to endure if, for example you had a flash mob public proposal, and your partner says no? That’s not even considering being heartbroken yourself. Save yourself all these pains by considering other options.

2. Put Your Heart Into Planning.

Since you are putting your heart out there for the world to see, it is important to plan ahead and ensure that you have everything and everyone you need for the occasion and that you are ready to pitch a winning proposition. Also, because you’re doing this with eyes and maybe cameras on you, then you can’t afford to mess up any of the details.

Make sure that you plan for a perfect proposal that does not, in any way, humiliate your partner or yourself. So don’t just wing it. You only get one shot at this so plan ahead and make sure that you get it right.

Tips For A Public Marriage Proposal

Image Source: Unsplash

3. Be Creative.

If you’re thinking of placing the ring in the cake, or similar stuff, we suggest you find a better, less cliche manner of proposing marriage. There are tons of creative ideas for getting your partner to say yes to a lifetime with you. You can even search from a good number of public proposal ideas online and find one that suits you best, just personalise the details to make it more romantic.

4. Make Your Partner The Inspiration And The Priority Of Your Plan.

When you have chosen one of those engagement rings Brisbane gentlemen get from Ringleaders, your primary consideration is whether your partner will like it or not. It’s the same with planning the proposal. Everything should be about your partner. From asking whether they would like it done publicly or not, to deciding on the specific details that will fit their personality, what they desire should be prioritised over your own wants.

Your partner should also inspire your plans so that your proposal rouses the right emotions in them by making her feel extra special. Wear an outfit that she likes, sing her favorite song, or decorate the venue with her favorite flowers. These are small details that will surely endear you to your partner even more.

Tips For A Public Marriage Proposal

Images Source: Pexels

Also, when planning, you should consider their reaction. While they may feel excited about the proposal, they might feel the need to hold their emotions in because there is an audience. This can be quite an awkward situation for you and your fiancé. But, if your partner has an outgoing personality and will have no qualms about expressing herself with other people, then a public proposal is definitely the way to go.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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