October 20, 2024

T stands for ATC and PostCards

How are you, lovely ladies? I know I disappeared again after publishing a blog post last month. Yes, it was due to some traveling, holidays, and other chaos at home. I wasn’t motivated to update the blog either. But, it was a surprise last week when I received a letter by post. It was from our lovely Elizabeth, who writes Bleubeard and Elizabeth.

T Tuesday

That served as great motivation for me to start writing again. I was curious to know what was inside the mail. Before opening it, I was happy to see the postage stamp on it—a lovely addition to our stamp collection!

Then, I noticed the beautiful bird that sealed the envelope. Lovely!

Once I opened the envelope, I found the 10th Anniversary ATC, one of the limited edition ATCs. I’m proud to be one of the recipients of this limited edition ATC for the 10th T Tuesday anniversary.

T Tuesday
T Tuesday

The back of the ATC features a beautiful cake with 10 teacups and a cute, lovely cat! And this is also my ticket for this week’s T Tuesday party! 🙂

T Tuesday

In addition to the ATC, there were also postcards. They feature The Alamo of Texas, Superstition Mountain in Arizona, and Oklahoma City.

T Tuesday

Thanks, Elizabeth. I am really happy and excited about this mail. I appreciate you sending me this 10th-anniversary ATC. Also, thanks to all the ladies who join every week with T Tuesday posts. I enjoy all these moments, which keep me writing this blog! 🙂

Have a lovely week everyone! 🙂

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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7 thoughts on “T stands for ATC and PostCards

  1. What beautiful happy mail! Loving those postcards and the ATC is super cute 😊. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Isn’t it great to receive happy mail! The postcards are beautiful.
    I’m glad you’re back in Blogland.
    Happy T-Day,

  3. It’s always fun to get surprise mail, isn’t it? It’s fun to see who getting what postcards too. I hope life has settled down and all is well. hugs-Erika (oh yes, and I hope you had a great T day too.)

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