March 25, 2025

Recycle Your Drink Cans

Today I have a simple yet important message. Recycle your tin cans! 🙂 Yes, these drink cans are recyclable and there are different ways to use those for recycling. In Singapore, you can recycle tin cans for money (you can earn) or you can use the Blue bin for disposing of them for free. Remember Blue bin is recycle collector and the items you dispose there will be used for recycling. We usually use our Bloobox to collect recyclable items including tin cans and dispose in a nearby blue bin.

recycle tins cans
Recycle your drink cans!

Recently, when my son was drinking this lemon green tea in a can I saw the ‘recycle me’ message on it. Though we do recycle such tin cans whenever possible, I thought this can with the ‘recycle me’ message is good for a new blog post that spread awareness! 🙂

Recycle Your Drink Cans

Then I captured a few photos while walking home after school. Usually, these beverage cans are made of metals such as aluminum or steel.

Recycle Your Drink Cans Singapore
Recycle your drink cans!

How to recycle tin cans?

If you want to recycle your tin cans, don’t throw empty cans straightaway into a bin after you finish drinking. Therefore, sometimes it may not be possible to recycle every tin can you drink.

But, you can still try. Below are a few simple steps to recycle a tin can.

  • Make sure your tin can is empty.
  • Rinse it thoroughly.
  • Then put your tin can into a recycle bin.
  • It will be collected for recycling.

Today my post is a quick update as I am getting ready for a few weeks holiday. I will be back at the end of June with new updates about our trip. Till that, stay safe and have a great time! 🙂

Please share your thoughts about recycling and recycling tin cans. I’d like to know about your efforts to save our environment. Every simple act counts.

Reduce Reuse and Recycle! Save our environment!

**Check the link parties that I like to join.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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9 thoughts on “Recycle Your Drink Cans

  1. Here you bring those back to the store and get €0,25 for a can (most, not all), same with bottles.
    Plastic €0,25, glass €0,08.
    And yet some kids leave them in the street as “rubbish”, sad, huh.

  2. Spain is finally catching up on recycling although we only have four, garden waste, paper and cardboard, bottles and everything else goes into the other one, we saw an interesting bin yesterday, it was jsut for cans and it had a lever to crush them, I might have to give that a go next week .
    Happy T Day Jan S

  3. Hi Amila. All plastic bottles and metal cans have a surcharge of 25 cents on them. If you want your money back you have to take them to a store and put them in a recycling machine, which counts the number and gived you a receipt which you can cash at the cash desk. This really gets people to take cans and bottles back! And we have garbage containers at every house in different colours – yellow for plastic and tin, blue for paper, brown for compost. ‘normal’ garbage goes into a black bin. Happy T Day, Valerie

  4. Even better: don’t use a tin at all, but containers that are not one-way use but can be used over and over again. There are so many great choices.

  5. I hate wasting water. It takes a great deal of water to wash and rinse those cans. For the most part, I don’t use them myself, but if others do, I place a small amount of water in the bottom of the an and swish it around. Then I let it and others sit until I have enough. After I wash my dishes (I don’t have a dishwasher)m, but before I wash greasy skillets or pans, I wash the tin cans. I use a bucket for rinse water. Then they go in the recycle bin. The wash and rinse water goes on my plants and herbs, not down the drain where it does no good.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely and awareness raising post with us for T this Tuesday, Amila. And please have a safe trip and vacation.

  6. Recycling has gotten such a bad rap here in the US lately… Items we all thought we sent off to be recycled ended up not being recycled but they never told anybody there was a problem. I used to be a BIG recycle person but anymore its difficult to find a place to recycle.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  7. Drink cans and other tin cans are something that my family are really good at recycling. We have a box where we put all the cans and it gets taken every fortnight with the other recycling bins. x

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