Happy Teachers Day to all teachers and educators around the world!
In Singapore, teachers day is celebrated on the last day of school term 3.In 2019, it is September 6th.

We all are here due to our parents and teachers. They helped us to grow as responsible adults. Now as parents we guide our kids to be responsible adults in future. For this, teachers play the most important role.
During the teachers’ day celebrations, there are many teachers’ day gifts available in the market. From flowers to personalized mugs, there are many cute teacher appreciation gifts to buy.
Check our Teachers Day 2020 Thank you gifts.

For me, I always admire gifts that have a personal touch. This is why I love to buy teachers day cards to appreciate my kid’s preschool teachers.
For this teacher’s day, I bought few cards for his teachers and asked the kid to write a message.
Below is what he wrote to his 3 lovely teachers.

He wrote the words by himself without my help.I can see his progress in writing when compared to our teacher’s day cards from 2017.Now as a student of Kindergarten 2, he can write letters and compose simple sentences.
He also draws pictures with more details than he was.
All these skills are because of his great teachers!
Thank you all teachers!
Happy Teachers Day 2019!
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