March 4, 2025

Easy Kids Guide To Flowers And Its Parts

Easy Kids Guide To Flowers And Its Parts

Flowers are everywhere and come in various sizes, colours, forms, and textures. Your children’s introduction to flowers and gardening can help develop a love of plants that will last a lifetime. They would be drawn to flowers because of their bright colours, funny patterns, and scent. It is essential to start them young. 

Did you know that flowers occasionally have both male and female reproductive organs? This needs to be clarified because we humans associate specific flowers with femininity, such as a dozen red roses. In reality, most flower bouquets, including roses, contain both male and female components. Interesting, isn’t it? Read on to learn more!

Flower Parts

Peduncle and Receptacle

The flower components that keep the actual flower in the air are called the receptacle and the peduncle. When you’re in the garden, pick your favourite flower and look it up close. The peduncle is the part of the flower that you hold, which is also called a stem. It is usually green in colour. At the base of the flower, underneath, is where you’ll find the receptacle. That is where you will find the flower’s reproductive components and determine if it is a female or a male.

Sepal and Calyx

Look underneath the flower. Do you see a couple of small leaves? Those are called sepals. Sepals are essential to the flower as they help protect any baby flower’s growth. They shield them from harsh weather and other predators. If you see a couple of sepals bunched together, that is called a calyx. Not all flowers have a calyx. Observe more flowers to see which ones have numerous sepals and which only a few.

Petal and Corolla

The most vibrant parts of a flower are its petals! They come in every colour of the rainbow and more. Pollinators, such as bees and birds, help carry pollen from the male part of the flower (stamen) to the female part of the same or another flower. They are drawn to the flowers by their many shapes and colours. Fun fact: Not all flower petals have a scent! It’s also interesting that some flowers don’t create nectar or have a pleasant smell. The corolla is the collective name for all of the petals. 

How To Determine If A Flower Is Male or Female?

Male Flowers

An easy way to distinguish if a flower is male or female without plucking it is to look at the stems. Male flowers tend to be taller and go straight from the branch to the flower. They also have male reproductive organs called stamens which are made up of an anther and a filament. The pollen, which includes the male reproductive cells, or sperm, is produced and released by the anther when it matures. The anther is joined to the flower’s base by the filament. Tip: An easy way to remember is that it has the word “men” in it. 

Female Flowers

The female reproductive organs are called pistils, and it has four parts: the stigma, style, ovary and ovules. The stigma has a sticky surface made to attract pollen and is accessible to the elements. When pollen touches the stigma, it starts to germinate and develops into long tubes that move down the style to the base of the flower, where the ovary protects the ovules. The female reproductive gametes for fertilisation and the nutrients needed for embryo development are stored in the ovules.

How To Introduce Flowers And Gardening To Your Kids

Your children can enhance their knowledge of biology, art, and other life skills by learning about flowers and how to care for them. And according to research, flowers have several benefits, from advantages to one’s physical and mental well-being to the impact of flowers on the environment. 

As we said in the beginning, introducing your kids to flowers early in their years is beneficial. You can start by building up their excitement for flowers. Almost 95% of gardeners receive catalogues for home gardening in their homes. If you’re one of them, when it arrives, it helps to talk enthusiastically about its contents as you read it to your children. Kids-size gardening tools are a great way to get your kids involved. Plus, you’ll be spending quality time together. 

It’s not an exaggeration to say that kids love games, especially when they’re winning. Making gardening and flowers into a game is an entertaining approach to instil a love of both in your children. Lastly, don’t be afraid to let them get their hands dirty and explore mother earth. Let them dig a hole in the dirt to feel connected to the planet. You won’t believe how soothing it is for them.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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