October 23, 2024

Smart Ways to Get Rid Of Your Used Baby Stuff

Like many other moms, I also have the problem of having lot of baby stuffs that are no longer useful for the kid. My kid will be 4 years old in few days. But we still have his baby cot, baby stroller and lot of baby gears. All these baby stuff are in new condition and some stuff we used for really few months only. It is so sweet to see his stuff and remind the memories of my baby. But, actually these baby stuff take a considerable space of home.

I am sure this is same with most of the moms. If you have more than 1 kid in the family, these baby stuff are useful for other kids. But there is a day that we need to de-clutter home with lot of such baby gear.

Finally I started to get rid of these baby stuff  that we no longer use. I am sure these tips are helpful for you too if you are with such collection.

Here are the smart ways to get rid of your used baby stuff!

1. Donation

Smart Ways to Get Rid Of Your Used Baby Stuff

I always like to reuse any stuff giving a new life or new hand. Donation is one of the easiest ways to get rid of excess baby items. If your kids are already grown up, they will also understand the power of giving away.

There are sites that allow posting advertisements about free stuff. These sites are always helpful to find someone who really needs the items you own.

In Singapore there are charity services that collect used clothes and other small stuff for recycling purpose and also to donate to other African and Asian countries. I always use this opportunity to give away some of our outgrown clothes and shoes.

2. Re-purpose or Recycle

Recycle is one of the best ways to dispose some baby stuff which are no longer suitable for a second life. At the same time, it is always easy to re-purpose the existing baby stuff when your kid grows.

Getting Rid of Baby Gear
We re-purposed our baby cot as a place for reading and spending time for kid.We removed one side of the cot lowering the seating area to the lowest position.so it is easier for him to sit on the cot without help.

Out grown baby clothes can create a beautiful quilt if you are crafty enough. At our home we used our baby cot as a reading place after removing one side. Until recent this baby cot reading area was my kid’s favorite place to spend time reading a book or playing with toys.

3. Sell your baby stuff

Selling your baby stuff is another great idea to pass the items that are in good condition to a new hand. I use this method and usually it is easy to sell the newly bought items for a half rate.

While arranging a garage sale is a fun idea there are also market places that you can easily sell your used items.

AdYoYo is a video only market place which facilitates parents to sell their stuff using their app. Not only sell, you can also buy any stuff that you like using the AdYoYo market place.

AdYoYo Review

Currently this AdYoYo app is available in US and India which is helpful to bring the local community together providing an easy platform to buy and sell with confident.

Unlike other second hand market places that use photos of the items available for sale, AdYoYo is a video based app that users upload a short video of item to sale. You can easily download the app from both apple store and Google play store.

The money you earn by selling can be used for buying any new stuff you need for your kids at this moment. So, selling the unwanted but still in good condition baby stuff can be another great way to de-clutter your home.

Above are the tips I use to get rid of the baby stuff. Do you have any more ideas to add for this list? How do you get rid of your used baby stuff? Please comment below.




Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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14 thoughts on “Smart Ways to Get Rid Of Your Used Baby Stuff

  1. Some of my baby’s stuff came from my sister so I just gave it back to her. The other I think I am going to donate.

  2. We have huge community swap markets that parents can donate to and then select what they need for free. My daughter loves it and has saved so much money! Thanks for the great tips!

  3. Luckily my baby’s stuff didn’t go waste. Many of them got passed on to my sister’s kids and still do even after they are grown up.
    Nice tips, thanks for sharing

  4. We have swap markets specifically for baby stuff in my community, which I think is a great idea. Repurposing old furniture would be cool, too. There are so many possibilities. 🙂

  5. I remember my cousin made and use the above mentioned ways to get rid of the old stuffs. I recall what did he dot is to sell it on many blogging groups that offers like this.

  6. I didn’t know about the Adyoyo app where you could sell stuff but I definitely could have used that when my daughter was younger. Maybe can even found it more useful now.

  7. I need to declutter my home this weekend and this post helped me to define what goes where! Hope to get more space for ourselves instead of our unneeded things!

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