October 24, 2024

At the Singapore East Coast Park with a Toddler

We’ve visited East Coast Park some years ago, but it was in my ‘to visit’ list of Singapore for a long time. It was a long weekend with May 1st holiday and we decided to visit the East Coast Park. This visit is bit special because, this is the Sanu’s first visit to a beach.

He is so active now and therefore we thought it would be good for him to enjoy his time freely in a spacious beach like the East Coast Park beach.

East Coast Park is a beautiful park in Singapore with lot of family friendly activities including Cycling,swimming,BBQ,camping and sand playing.Kids friendly activities are not limited to these few mentioned items.It is so spacious,so kids can play happily.

Singapore East Coast Park with a Toddler

We also had good time playing with our son and it seems visiting such place is good for family bonding.In this post,I want to share some of the moments from our day out and how our little toddler enjoyed his time there at the beach.Actually he loved his time at the beach same as he enjoyed his time at our recent visit to the Singapore Animal Resort

East Coast Park with a toddler
Playing with Sea Waves

Although it was his first visit to a beach,he didn’t afraid of sea waves.Instead he enjoyed playing with sea waves.

Running along the beach was so much fun and it was a good excersice for us too.

East Coast Park with a toddler
Running along the beach is a good activity to spend time

He loved collecting sea shells and sand playing was another activity he enjoyed in this beach.

East Coast Park with a toddler
Collecting sea shells was a good activity for him on the beach

He loved to play with sand and he got plenty of time to enjoy his activities.

East Coast Park with a toddler
Sand playing till get bored!

Overall it was a happy day and we are happy because we could spend a full day with him on a kids friendly day out.

Although I have more photos to share from the East Coast Park,I will keep them for future posts.Till that please share your photo posts from this week.

Have you been to a beach recently?


Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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11 thoughts on “At the Singapore East Coast Park with a Toddler

  1. We haven’t been to East Coast Park since our staycation in Feb. Maybe during the next school holidays the kids and I will have the chance to revisit the place.

  2. I haven’t been to a beach since last summer. I hope we get to go as soon as our weather is more cooperative. Looks like you had a fun time! Hope you have a great week.

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