March 25, 2025

Moms, It’s ok to Put Yourself First Sometimes

“Mommmmmy!” How many times do you hear your name called each day? For me, it’s about two hundred, and usually half are before 9 am. When I am home I focus all of my energy on giving everything I have to my family.  Wiping up spills, mediating fights, jetting off to activities, snuggling, reading, bathing, hugging. They need me and I’m there. And I wouldn’t trade this time for anything.

Only, it’s not just my children who need me. I’m also giving the time I have to my husband, sisters, parents, friends, and my co-workers. I’m in constant giving mode. It isn’t a burden; to give and help is part of my personality and this probably resonates true with a lot of women. We are caregivers and problem solvers: at home, work, and in our extended families. We are raised and socialized to be so and we accept the role without question. After my children were born I quietly accepted this as my life, giving to others round the clock while occasionally trying to come up for air to squeeze in a workout or some other activity I used to enjoy.

Moms, it’s ok to put yourself first sometimes

A few years in, however, I started to realize that giving all of my time to others made me feel like I was inching closer and closer to something low and dark. I was not alone. Many friends and clients have since described this feeling to me in different ways. People have told me that it feels like they are underwater, like they are drowning. What I knew was that it didn’t feel good to be absolutely exhausted all the time. And the more drained I felt, the less I had to give.

So I started to do something that felt crazy. I started finding ways to prioritize my own needs. It did not come naturally and it came with a lot of guilt attached. Any time I took for myself felt like time I took away from those I care about. But I realized that no one was going to do this for me—I had to do it for myself or it wasn’t going to happen.

Moms, it’s ok to put yourself first sometimes

I didn’t jet off to the Caribbean alone to sip mojitos on the beach (although let’s be honest, that sounds pretty fantastic). But I started making time for little things here are there: a few minutes of meditation, a yoga class, an hour to myself while on a work trip to take or walk or get coffee. I managed to carve out time that wasn’t about giving to others but time that was just for me.  And it helped. Once I gave myself permission to also focus on myself my attitude improved and I found I had more energy and patience for my job and my family.

Life Coaching for Moms

As moms, we are busy. We are overwhelmed and often drained. But as the adage goes, we have to put on our oxygen masks first. We are best for others when we are also giving to ourselves and prioritizing our needs. It makes us better parents and partners. When mom is happy it’s a win-win for everyone.

Finding time in our busy days is not easy. Coaching can help you carve out time for yourself so you have more energy to focus on others. Coaching packages for moms are available at North Shore Life Design. And a special discount is available for Diary of a New Mom readers— just mention the blog in your inquiry.

Jessica Werner lives in Minneapolis, MN and is the founder of North Shore Life Design.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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One thought on “Moms, It’s ok to Put Yourself First Sometimes

  1. This is so important! Self-care is a must and often neglected, specially as moms. I don’t have kids yet and I struggle with it so I can only imagine how busy it gets once you are a mom.

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