Happy Teachers Day to all teachers around the world!
This year Teachers day will be fall on Friday 4th September. However in schools, the day is celebrated on 3rd September. While celebrating a day for Teachers is a new tradition for me, I was raised in a country where we respected our teachers in every way we could. I know it is same in different countries, nations and among cultures. This is why I always like to join with Teachers Day celebration in Singapore at least by a blog post and by encouraging the kid to respect his teachers.
Check our Teachers Day 2017 and Teachers Day 2019 posts too.

My kid is no more a preschooler. This year he started schooling as a Primary 1 student. He has many teachers compared to the preschool time. Kid is eager to go to school every day. All these are due to his teachers’ encouragement and motivation towards learning.
Teachers Day Gifts
To thank them and to appreciate their services towards him and other children, we planned prepare some flowers. However due to other schedules in life, this is not an entire crafty or DIY project. Instead I bought some roses and attached a card which was filled by kid’s hand writing to make it a more personalized gift.

Kid was busy writing all the cards to his teachers.

It was a happy activity for him although it was night time he started making his cards.For the kid writing 10 cards continuously was a big task.

Afterall the roses and cards were perfect as teachers’ day gifts!

Anyway, I just want to mention that giving a small rose is not enough to admire the service that any teacher would do.

But this is a way of recognizing the service and admiring them. In such activities kid will learn to respect and admire his teachers. He will value his teachers and their advice once he is grown up.
Happy Teachers Day 2020
Finally we came up with roses attached with a thank you card written by the kid.I attached the thank you cards to roses using a piece of ribbon.

Happy Teachers Day 2020 for all educators and teachers worldwide!