February 14, 2025

Fun Name Games for the First Day of School

First day of the school is exciting. Both teachers and students are excited with first day of school and other activities they have to involve. Usually in first day of school we can see teachers try to welcome their students making a warm environment for them. But, there are some students who are bit shy. Also there may have new faces who don’t want to mingle with others. This is where you want some name games to break the ice.

Back to school games are really helpful to break the ice and to create a comfortable environment for all the students. They can play the games together and feel relaxed. They will know each other and they will also make new friends.

Fun Name Games for the First Day of School

Here are few name games which you can use in the first day of school and have lot of fun.

Name Game 1: Find Objects to Describe Me

This is a fun game for students to involve. Ask students to go through their backpacks and belongings and find 2-3 objects. Then ask them to describe the selected items including why they like the selected item. This will be a fun activity to do with whole class while they enjoy listening to other students describe their objects.

Name Game 2: Name Line

Name line is another popular and fun name game which is suitable to break the ice of the first day of school. This is how to play. Make all students to stand in a line. Then ask them to tell their name and some of favorite things. Now it is turn for the next students. He needs to tell his name, favorite thing and also the name and favorite things of the previous student. Likewise you can continue the game till all students describe their favorite things.

Above are two most popular fun name games for the first day of school. I also found these fun name games are interesting. All these name games and activities are good for kids and make them excited in their first day of school.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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