February 21, 2025

3 Foods and Habits Known to Cause Tooth Discolouration

Our teeth have to endure tremendous punishment from all angles, and the vast array of different foods and drinks we consume only adds to the strain on our precious tooth enamel. To a certain degree, a person’s teeth will gradually discolour over time, as this is part of the natural aging process, yet there are certain substances we should avoid, as they are known to be harmful to our teeth, and if you would like to minimise the risk of fading white teeth, here are some of the harmful things to avoid.


Image by jackwillsion via Flickr

  1. Tea and Coffee – People mistakenly think that due to its dark colour, coffee is the main culprit, when in fact, the opposite is true. Tea, whether brewed hot or served cold, as it contains acids and tannins, which act on the tooth enamel, causing it to break down slightly. The good news is, you would have to drink an awful lot over time, for there to be any noticeable discolouration, but tea and coffee addicts beware! If you do have tooth discolouration and you would like to regain your healthy smile, an Internet search will locate a local clinic, whether you are looking for a Melbourne or Brisbane CBD dentist, and most will offer a range of cosmetic services, which include teeth whitening treatments.


  1. Smoking – Of course, smoking not only causes cancer, it also can bring about teeth discolouration. There are special toothpastes that are said to remove tobacco stains, but generally speaking, the tar in the tobacco smoke will wreak havoc with your tooth enamel, and if the threat of death isn’t enough to make you quit smoking, losing your pearly white smile might just do the trick.


  1. Red Wine – As nice as it is to sip a glass of wine on occasions, it is not particularly good for a white smile. Like tea, wine is very acidic and is packed with tannins, and red wine also has a natural colourisation, which can stain tooth enamel. As a rule, one should always use a mouthwash after drinking wine, as once the majority of wine is removed, it cannot attack your tooth enamel, and if you find red wine too appealing, there are some effective methods to reduce red wine staining on your teeth that you can try. Chromogens are also present in high numbers, which quickly stick to the teeth, and too much, too often is likely to cause some staining. The good news is that this can be removed with suitable oral treatment, and your local dentist would be able to help.

As we age, the enamel on our teeth becomes worn and tiny cracks and crevices appear, and when these are filled with substances contained in food, staining occurs. Modern teeth whitening treatments might not be a cure, but they will restore the whiteness to your smile. If you have recently moved to a new area and have not registered with a dental clinic, an online search will point you in the right direction, and by trying to avoid the above, your teeth should remain healthy and white.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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3 thoughts on “3 Foods and Habits Known to Cause Tooth Discolouration

  1. Amila,

    One thing that puzzled me when I was a child and after four decades I have not done any research is this: Is it true that ethnicity is also one reason for yellowish teeth?

    At any rate, good read. One takeaway I took from your post is whitening treatment. Not only are they available as toothpaste, but some dental clinics do offer their service (and how they do it I have no clue). Apparently, the dental clinic is the closest thing to hell on earth. Of course, whether they work or are effective, that remains to be seen?

    1. I am not sure about the ethnicity.But ,location can be a reason for yellowish teeth.As I know areas with high fluoride content in natural water can create dark patches or yellowish teeth for the people who live and consume such water.

  2. I am guilty with Tea and Coffee! I can drink at leat two cups of coffee a day + a cup of green tea. I’ve had teeth discoloration because of this. 🙁 Ah! I wish it’s that easy to function without coffee!

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