October 24, 2024

Do you Know these Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles

Recently I introduced Jigsaw puzzles for my kid and he showed love in solving puzzles with me. He was just above 2 years when I introduced the first puzzle to him and with his interest to solving the puzzles, I added more to our collection. Do you know what happened? Not only my kid, I also attracted to the puzzles and we ended up having a collection of jigsaw puzzles ranging from 9 pieces to more complicated puzzles over 40 pieces. It was a fun activity which we could concentrate our time together.

With our interest to play and solve jigsaw puzzles, I also wanted to find the benefits of playing puzzles and the benefits are really amazing. After reading this post, I am sure you also will start playing jigsaw puzzles as it is a really good way to concentrate your mind!

Benefits of doing jigsaw puzzles

Well, before going for the health benefits of playing jigsaw puzzles, I just want to share my experiences at our home. The puzzles actually can connect all of us. We solve jigsaw puzzles together and it really creates family moments which I am really happy. Playing jigsaw puzzles is one of the entertainment activities which anyone spends time to release the tension of the day. Other than that, below are some of the health benefits you can expect by playing with jigsaw puzzles.

Doing jigsaw puzzles is really helpful for the brain development. Usually left brain thinks logically and right brain is responsible for creative and emotional tasks. However if you use both left brain and right brain together at the same time, your mind power will improve and it gets better day by day. As jigsaw puzzles are such activity which you need to use both left brain and right brain together, that will enhance your brain power while improving efficiency and concentration.

One of the Jigsaw Puzzles I play online.(Credits : http://www.jspuzzles.com/)
One of the Jigsaw Puzzles I play online.(Image Credits : www.jspuzzles.com)

That is why even as adults, it is good to play and solve jigsaw puzzles in order to stimulate your brain power. When you play with your kids, they will also learn to concentrate and solve problems logically which are important skills for any one.

How to find Jigsaw Puzzles?

Finding jigsaw puzzles is not that difficult. You can easily buy jigsaw puzzles with different themes. However, if you don’t organize your jigsaw puzzles this will end up with a mess. You will also spend more time for finding missing puzzle pieces which can also create stressful situation.

If you dont organize properly,these jigsaw puzzles can create a mess too :)
If you don’t organize properly,these jigsaw puzzles can create a mess too 🙂

Another way of playing puzzles is by using online puzzles. With a collection of free jigsaw puzzles you can spend time concentrating on your task without worrying about organizing those after playing. Other than that, you will find new puzzles every day and this will refresh your experience and thinking style as you can find different themes and different size puzzles.

Online jigsaw puzzles (Image credit:
Online jigsaw puzzles (Image credit: www.jspuzzles.com)

There are also apps which are full of jigsaw puzzles. You can easily download such app with jigsaw puzzles and play when you are free, even while travelling.

Playing jigsaw puzzles online or playing physical puzzles are known therapeutic exercise for brain. It is not only good for kids, but also a good activity for adults. This is what I found these days while introducing jigsaw puzzles for my kid. We enjoy playing and solving jigsaw puzzles at our home.

How about you? Do you play puzzles?

If so how do you find jigsaw puzzles? Do you like to buy puzzles or do you like online puzzles? Please share your thoughts.


Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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