‘Five little ducks went swimming one day’ is a beautiful classic song which kids love. Instead of just singing it, we had funful toddler play time at our home.

My son loves this song and recently we bought small rubber ducklings to make his play time more active. This is one of the ways we used this classic song as a wonderful toddler play activity.
Five little ducks went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away!
I used a basket with water creating a small pond for my toddler and he played the game while singing .I combined this activity with storytelling together with counting and singing.
We used numbers while counting the ducks, so he practiced counting.
In to the water basket, I used bubble bath which gave him fun time and also feeling of sensory.
We also had mommy duck and daddy duck.
Mummy duck said quack quack quack
None of the five little ducks came back!
Daddy duck said quack quack quack!
All the five little ducks came back!
He loved playing the game while singing and he loved the idea of hiding one duck each time.
This is a great way to teach and practice counting, singing, math skills, sensory and imaginary skills for toddlers.
Above all it is fun and keeps my child active and busy!
Looks like so much fun. I love using water sensory for education.
Yes,we had lot of fun,specially my son! 🙂
So cute! We used to love signing the song with our little ducks at bathtime 🙂
yes,bath time is always so much fun with these bath toys and songs.. 🙂