February 21, 2025

10 Tips to Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

As a mom, family health is important for me. Oral hygiene and healthy teeth are part of a healthy life. This is why it is important to pay attention to maintaining oral hygiene. If neglected, poor oral health can even lead you to some serious illness due to germs and infections. In order to help you to keep your family’s oral health, here are the ten tips to keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Tips to Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

Tips to Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

Don’t forget to brush your teeth

It is a must that you need to brush your teeth daily and at least twice a day. Sometimes, young children try to avoid this good habit. However, as a parent, it is your responsibility to help them to cultivate this good habit. So that, they will grow up with the good habit of brushing their teeth daily.

Visit a dentist for check-ups

A regular dental visit is essential to find out if there is any problem with your teeth. Even if you maintain strong teeth and healthy gums, don’t forget to pay a visit to the dentist at least every six months. Dentists such as this Vancouver dentist can even provide services such as cosmetic dentistry.

Tips to Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

Avoid unhealthy foods

Sweets, cold drinks with too much sugar and even too hot drinks can affect the health of your teeth. Therefore, be considerate of your food intake. Avoid too sweet food intake for maintaining healthy teeth.

You can use mouthwash

With a mouthwash, you can easily rinse your mouth and get rid of germs and bacteria that can cause oral diseases.

Prevent from smoking

If any family member smokes, let them know about its connection to discoloured teeth including severe oral cancer.

Consume healthy food

Same as avoiding unhealthy food, it is also vital to consume healthy food that supports strong teeth. Food that contains calcium is beneficial for your healthy teeth. Vitamin c is helpful for healthy gums. As such, be sure to add food rich in calcium to your diet.

Oral Care
Image Source: Storyblocks

Know about Fluoride

Fluoride is important for your teeth as it prevents decay. However, too much fluoride can affect your teeth badly as well. Sometimes, heavy fluoride content can discolour your teeth. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of fluoride is necessary depending on the country you live in. It is good to consult your dentist.

Don’t ignore flossing

Some people don’t like flossing. But, a gentle floss will help you to keep your mouth clean.

Save your teeth

Even if you find a decayed tooth, instead of extracting it away, try to save your tooth. Consult your dentist on ways to save a decayed tooth. It can be filling, nerve filing or even other treatments that save your teeth.

Clean your tongue  

A clean tongue is essential for overall oral hygiene. Therefore, don’t forget to clean your tongue at least once a day.

With all these tips, you can maintain your oral hygiene. Finally, it will give you strong and healthy teeth. Consult your dentist for more specific advice on oral health.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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