March 12, 2025

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

Life with a toddler is always full of happiness, surprises and of course sometimes it is with lot of pressure. Traveling with toddler is really enjoyable if you plan well. Otherwise, you will end up with complete disaster. If you don’t pack all the essentials with you, or if you don’t plan how to keep your toddler engaged, you will not have a good time during your trip.

Few days ago I read some posts shared by Chris and Karen in their blog about their experiences on travelling with twins. After reading their travel posts on traveling with twins, I thought of sharing this post in this blog with my experiences thinking these tips might help other parents who want to enjoy their time traveling with toddlers.

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

Anyway below tips are not specifically for flying with toddlers, instead these are tips for traveling with kids in a road trip or even for a dayout.

(You can read for ideas on travelling with twins, and of course they discuss about topics such as parenting, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle in their blog)

Pack light

Sure, you need to bring all the items which you want, specially the things that need for your toddler. But try to pack light and avoid unnecessary items. Bring only the essentials with you. You can also buy some consumables like diapers and tissues at the destination. But, remember to pack all the essentials for few days if you are not sure of the availability of such items at the place you visit.

Bring toys or story books

This is a common trick of most moms and it is same with me. I always bring few of my sons favorite toys with us when we travel. Just notice what is his favourite toy or toys and bring that with you. Luckily my son loves some of his rubber toys which are animals and those are not very heavy. Whenever we go, he brings those with him and he is fully engaged playing with his toys.

If your toddler like reading books (I mean looking at pictures of the books), then bring 1 or 2 books with you. When he is tired and bored with his toys, these little books will do the tricks.

Let your little one nap whenever possible.

If your little one likes to have a nap during traveling, then let him do so. You can easily explore the city or complete some of your shopping while he is sleeping. On the other way, they will stay fresh if they get enough sleep during the trip. So, allow your toddler to have a nap whenever possible.

Pack some snacks

Keep them full always. If they are not hungry, they won’t make noise. But once they are hungry and start making noise, it is difficult to control or stop them. Still their little tummies need food in every one or two hours. So, keep some of his favorite food with you and give them time to time. You know your toddler’s eating habits. So, offer him some snacks accordingly.

Find toddler friendly Activities

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

It can be a day out for a museum or any other place which you are interested in. But always find kids friendly activities during your trip. Some restaurants are with kids play area. If you use such place for your meal, your toddler will have a great time playing there. There are also playgrounds or other places which your kid can relax during the trip. If you cannot find kids friendly activities or if you didn’t plan that, simply a spacious area in a shopping mall or in a park is enough for them to play.

Find kid friendly accommodation

This is my favourite tip for any vacation. Don’t forget to book a kid friendly accommodation on your destination in order to keep your kids happy and engaged. Some accommodations are provided with kids’ swimming pool which is an ideal activity for toddlers. Other kid friendly facilities include kids playground and water play area. Kids love walking outdoors. Therefore, if your accommodation is with a spacious garden, that will be a happy place for your kids to experience the outdoor. Keep these points in mind before you book your accommodation at the destination.

How do you travel with your toddler?Do you have any other tips to share?Please comment below.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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