March 26, 2025

5 Driving Lessons for your New Teen Driver

“There is no job more important than parenting. This I believe.” –  Ben Carson

On the note of the above quote, we can say that yes, it is essential and most important, but parenting isn’t that easy, it always comes with continuous monitoring, attention, and challenges. To deal with teens is quite a big job; even sometimes to talk with them becomes clumsy and being a parent, you just can’t let it go.

Driving Lessons for your New Teen Driver

Among many other challenges one challenge that bothers every parent is when the teens reach the age where they own a license to drive a car. According to researchers, half of all teens get involved in a car crash before graduating from high school. And that’s why here comes the parental reign; teen drivers who practice under parental guidance break fewer traffic rules and learn driving sensibly. So, before handing them their car’s key teach them all the basic rules of driving. Besides these rules they must know their traffic law and lawyers whether they are traffic ticket attorneys, red light ticket attorney or speeding ticket lawyer; as when needed they are the people who can guide much better than anyone else.

As a parent, you can play an active and significant role in your teenager’s driving lessons. Let’s go through these five road safety tips which you can share with your teen to inspire them to be better, safer drivers.

Strict No to Mobile Phones

Make them agree they will not text or talk while driving. If there is an emergency, tell them first to stop and park the car safely where they can use the cell phones without causing a threat to themselves or other drivers. According to researchers, when each time a driver writes and send a text, his or her eyes are off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds which is quite enough for any mishap. So, tell them that they must keep an eye on the road while driving with all attentiveness because no one else can do that for them.

Driving Lessons for your New Teen Driver

Always Wear Seat belt

Try to instil logically the importance of wearing a seat belt whenever they are on the driver seat even for short trips. According to the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety in Queensland, a person has the possibility of being killed about ten times in a road crash if he/she is not wearing a seat belt. During an accident seat belt work as a defence because it dispenses the forces from a road crash across the chest and pelvis, and with some other parts of the body. In a nutshell, you can’t escape your seatbelt at any cost, and you must wear it whenever you are driving.

Firm No to Drunk Driving

Since day one, make a firm rule on the matter of drunk driving, tell them there is no excuse for drink and drive. Being as a parent, you must make them clear that you have no tolerance for drinking and driving and you can’t turn a blind eye on this matter because even a small amount of alcohol in the blood can perturb the driving skill and thus increase the risk of the accident. According to some stats in 2005 approx. 25% of fatal teen crashes were caused by drunk driving.

Must Know the Traffic Rules

Traffic rules are fundamental, so do guide them thoroughly from driving tips to traffic ticket law. Speed thrills young drivers, so guide your teen that they must not come under any pressure to keep up or race with other vehicles, they must keep their own pace. Tell them the importance of speed limit, keeping your vehicle to the speed limit not only lessen the risk of an accident, but also help the drivers to avoid high traffic fines.

Restrict Teen Passengers in one Car

It is better to go solo when your teen is a new driver; more than one teen passengers can be riskier. It may seem harsh to them but don’t allow your teen to drive with their friends. Teenagers enjoy thrill and fun and can get influenced by their peer group very quickly. Don’t let your teens forget the safety driving lessons that you have taught and instilled in them. Don’t let go of your hard work by allowing them to drive with their pals, and if there is an emergency then try to restrict the number of teen passengers.

In a nutshell, make sure to tell your teenagers that they must follow the traffic rules and driving safety rules to avoid accidents or other mishaps. Also, do tell them about your state’s traffic law and the traffic ticket attorney. I always know my ticket lawyer near me, and I would suggest every parent must know it, and they must educate their teens everything about driving lessons, traffic rules, and traffic law. Knowing everything in detail can help them to understand why you are so concerned and strict; also, this might help them to be a better driver.

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi

Amila Gamage Wickramarachchi is the founder of this blog. She shares her parenting and lifestyle experiences of raising a child in Singapore.

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