Hi, I am Amila. Finally I wanted a space to share my mommy moments!
If you heard of me before, probably it is because of Food Corner. I am the founder of Food Corner recipe blog which is popular among food lovers across the world. Lately I also started writing my travelogues in Leisure and Me which keeps me really motivated.
However those blogs are focusing on Food & Travel niches. I feel it is not right to post everything in those blogs, because of the specific niches.
Finally, Diary of a New Mom is born.
I know, I cannot be a new mom throughout years. But, all these experiences I gain while raising my son is new to me. Each day, I gain new experiences with parenting and other home matters. These all the moments are really new experiences for me. I know it will be same even after few years. So, I am a new mom each & every day! 🙂
Hope you like to join with me reading my posts and sharing your thoughts.
If you want to contact me, write me via diaryofanewmom@yahoo.com
Please check here if you want to work with me and gain exposure for your business.
Thanks again for visiting!
Have a Great Day!
You may also like to see some of our family moments!

And we love documenting all our experiences!We love our photo books too!