Cincinnati is a city with a wealth of history. It has long been a hub for community-health minded innovation, and that is as true today as it ever has been. Below are five fun facts about Cincinnati that prove an emphasis on the health and happiness of the citizens is what it takes to make a good city great.

Cincinnati is Home to the First Professional Baseball Team: The Red Stockings (the Reds)
In 1869, the Red Stockings (now known as the Reds), became the USA’s first professional baseball team. They had ten players at the time. Not long after, this team became the first to travel to another city by plane to play a game. Because of this storied history, the team always opens their season with a home game.
The First Paid Municipal Fire Department in the USA was Established in Cincinnati
By developing a department where firefighters were paid and trained, the city of Cincinnati was investing in the health of its citizens. It also started a system that would, over the next 200 years, be adopted by thousands of other cities across the country.
On a similar note, the city of Cincinnati was also the first US city to establish an ambulance service for its residents. That service was established in 1865.

Cincinnati is Home to the First Professional Observatory in the USA
The Cincinnati Observatory is located on the top of the aptly named Mt. Lookout. It is the oldest professional observatory in the United States and a National Historic Landmark. It is open to the public and still fully functioning.
This emphasis on science is also seen in the Cincinnati Public Library. Here, anyone eligible to borrow a book can also use a 3D printer, sewing machine, laser cutter, laser engraver, and a host of other professional equipment free of charge.
Below the City of Cincinnati is a Derelict Subway System (the Largest in the USA)
The tunnels only span a length of just over two miles, but that is still long enough for this to be the most extensive subway project that was ever abandoned in the USA. The tunnels house no tracks or cars, but can be visited by the general public. The tunnels were originally built between 1920 and 1923.

Do You Like to Have Company? Half of the US Population Lives Within 12 hours of Cincinnati
Although the exact number is in dispute, somewhere between 50 and 60% of the entire US population lives within a half-day drive of Cincinnati. Not only is it easy for nearly anyone to get to you, but it’s also a shorter trip for you to go to most habitable places in the US than it would be from many other major cities.
There’s More to Discover in Cincinnati
These five fun facts about the city are just the tip of the iceberg. Cincinnati has a wealth of culture and history. The community is vibrant, and the real estate scene is warming up. If you’re interested in the city, go ahead and visit. You may find yourself browsing homes for sale in Cincinnati before you know it.